I love stories, and believe storytelling is important for three reasons:
Legacy: Stories preserve our histories and experiences. An African Proverb says, “Every time a person dies, a library is burned.”
I wish I had known more about my father and his adventures, wisdom and dreams.
But part of his library is gone with his passing.
Education: In 2021, I met Panteleimon, a student from Greece in Canada. He emphasized how literature captures diverse voices from various backgrounds, providing a more comprehensive understanding of history beyond traditional accounts.
Healing: While working for an extraordinary organization Peacebuilders Canada, a non-profit that helps youth out of the criminal justice system, I experienced the transformative power of peace circles. Based on Indigenous practices, these circles use storytelling for healing, fostering strong relationships, and resolving conflicts. My time there showed me our shared human experiences despite our differences, and there are solutions to every problem,
one child at a time.